Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee tasks:
- Coordination with committees’ quality assurance and accreditation for the academic departments to review the program objectives and learning outcomes for programs and courses, and follow-up the applying of the employers and graduates survey and analyze the results.
- Communicate with the university QAAC Committee for the aim of consistency.
Review quality assurance documentation relating to the annual self-evaluation of academic programs which provided by the department committees, as well as proposals for development programs. - Cooperation with the Advisory Committee of the programs and students in order to identify the requirements of the labor market and the needs of students to provide better service.
- Follow the completion of courses files and discuss the reports of the department committees.
- Follow up the implementation of all quality assurance processes and its reports.
- Provide suggestions and alternatives to solve the problems related to the implementation of processes in the college and make recommendations to the College Board.
- Preparation workshops for faculty members to spread the quality culture in the college and facilitate its application.
- Raising the quarterly report to the College Board for the achievements, and the timetable schedule during the semester.